Sun City Anthem 

 Emergency Preparedness

Service Group


EPSG Volunteer Interest Form

Sun City Anthem Emergency Preparedness Service Group depends on the participation of SCA member/resident volunteers. If the idea of helping your community, learning new skills, and making new friends through your participation appeals to you, please complete the contact form below and click submit.

         Privacy Policy and Agreement

The Sun City Anthem EPSG requires all EPSG members to acknowledge the following:

1. Members acknowledge that they are to respect the privacy rights and confidentiality of individuals and entities whose business and/or information comes before them for as long as they are EPSG members, as well as after leaving EPSG. Examples would be bid pricing information prior to official release or personal information revealed by a resident.

2. Members acknowledge the need to avoid any ethical or financial conflicts of interest.

When an appearance of a conflict exists, the member agrees to refrain from participating in decisions regarding the conflicted issue.

3. A valid driver’s license and auto insurance is required for members driving to on- or off- campus EPSG assignments. The SCACAI and EPSG shall not be liable for accidents occurring during EPSG assignments.

4. All recorded programs and media are the property of EPSG and the SCACAI and cannot be reproduced, distributed, rebroadcast or uploaded to the internet without written permission of the EPSG President.

5. If any EPSG member acts outside of the provisions set forth in the Sun City Anthem EPSG Bylaws, all liability will fall on the individual acting outside of policy, and subject himself/herself to the provisions in Appendix C.

I have read and understand the above Privacy Policy and agree to comply with these requirements. I further understand that failure to comply may result in dismissal from membership in EPSG.

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