There are many situations that may require people to leave their residence or work place in a short amount of time, and with limited belongings. Wildfires, power loss, chemical/gas leak, or active shooter in-hiding situation are just a few examples – which have happened or are likely to happen in the Las Vegas area. Even when the threat may not seem close, things can change quickly in emergency situations, and in a large, wide-spread event, professional responders and emergency organizations may be overwhelmed.
Below you will find basic recommendations and links for evacuation preparedness.
While there may seem to be a lot of information on general social media, RELIABLE LOCAL sources are always the best source of information in an emergency. It is best to save/bookmark these channels before an emergency:
To start, pick a medium size sturdy bag and place it in an easily accessible place making sure:
1. It is not exposed to extreme temperatures (garage may be ok in the winter, but probably not in the summer)
2. It is not blocked or hindered by any items - in case you have to grab and go
Based on your physical condition, the bag can be a backpack, duffel bag, or a small rolling bag - big enough to carry basics, but also light enough to carry in case you need to abandon your car and walk
Scroll down this page for a list of what to put in a basic
To-Go Bag. Please note everyone's situation is different, so consider medical conditions, kids, pets, etc.
* P100 Masks make it harder to breathe, so, especially if you have any respiratory/heart conditions or concerns, you may find it very limiting to operate with these type of mask.
National Preparedness Websites
Local Authorities Websites