Sun City Anthem 

 Emergency Preparedness

Service Group

Wildfires & Evacuation Preparedness (1/9/25)

In the light of recent wildfires in Los Angeles area, we received inquiries on how to be prepared for a similar emergency and/or possible evacuation scenarios.

Please visit our Evacuation Preparedness page for more information.

High Levels of Respiratory Viruses (1/13/25)

Southern Nevada Health District is urging the public to take precautions against high levels of  respiratory illness activity in Clark County. For more information please visit SNHD Press Release


Individual and household preparedness is especially important at SCA since

our Community Centers are NOT designed or equipped

to operate as shelters in an emergency.

We strongly recommend that each household has an Emergency Supply Kit in case there is a need to "Shelter in Place" or "Evacuate" quickly. In 2025, we are highlighting monthly shopping lists in the Spirit magazine and on this website on how to put together such a kit.

If you don't have a kit yet, we encourage you to visit our How to Put Together An Emergency Kit page for more information.

If you already have a kit, we suggest that you  check and replenish your supplies this time of year to make sure you can rotate or replace any items that may expire soon or have already expired. This is also a good time to possibly move the items to a place where temperature changes are not extreme.

 Please see bottom of this page for links to free information and education on more Emergency Preparedness topics.


Emergency Preparedness Educational Events

- EPSG Events are open to all SCA Residents, registration required -

A. SCA Specific, In-Person Classes [registration required]

       1. EPSG Orientation (50 min + Q&A)

Come and learn why it is so important for our community to be prepared for an emergency or disaster, why we have an Emergency Preparedness Service Group, how it is organized, how it is planning to work in an emergency, and how you can be part of it.

Next class: TBD

                  *Registration required* - If interested, please email EPSG Training & Education

       2. EPSG Disaster Assessment Volunteer Training* (50 min + Q&A)

In a disaster or emergency, it is very important to assess the situation so it can be communicated to necessary aid and government organizations quickly and accurately. This training is for EPSG volunteers who would like to help with such Disaster Assessment.

* Must complete EPSG Orientation to attend.

Next class:  TBD

                  *Registration required* - If interested please email EPSG Training & Education    

B. General Emergency Preparedness Classes [registration required]

       1. Hands-Only CPR & AED (60 min + Q&A)

           (Small Class - **seats limited, registration required**)

With half-million cardiac arrests each year, CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) can help save a life if a person's breathing or heart stops. It's not just for healthcare workers and emergency responders. In fact, CPR can double or triple the chance of survival when bystanders take action.

   This is a non-certification class with limited space.

Next classes: February 5 (Wednesday), 2-3pm

 March 12 (Wednesday), 2-3pm

                      More classes for 2025 will be announced soon.

                      All classes will be held at Anthem Center unless otherwise communicated.

*Registration required* - please email EPSG Training & Education for space confirmation.

       2. CERT - Community Emergency Response Training (16 hours spread over 2 days)

When a disaster or an emergency impacts a large area, professional first-responders are overwhelmed and may not each all affected areas for a while. The CERT Basic Training includes research-validated guidance to teach community members what to do before, during and after the hazards their communities may face, including hands-on practice on how to use a fire extinguisher, and conduct search and rescue in teams.

Upcoming Classes at SCA: Option 1: March 29-30 (Saturday-Sunday) 8am-5pm (both days)

                                            Option 2: October 18-19 (Saturday-Sunday) 8am-5pm (both days)

                                            Please click here for more information and to register.


Please click here for more Resources on Emergency Preparedness

If you have any questions or suggestions about emergency preparedness education, please email EPSG Training.

Sun City Anthem Emergency Preparedness Service Group (EPSG)


1) To provide meaningful recommendations, guidance and direction on preparation for emergencies affecting the Sun City Anthem (SCA) community.

2) To endeavor to provide operational response, support, and guidance to the SCA community should an emergency or disaster occur, and, 

3) To provide emergency communications.


 Why prepare?

Las Vegas and Henderson are not immune from natural and man-made disasters. Such disasters are notable for their scale, unpredictability, or both, leaving devastation in their aftermath. The impact of such an event is often most severe for people who failed to plan ahead. Any disaster, emergency, or a combination, could be as severe and widespread as to overwhelm existing resources such as Fire, Police, EMS, and utilities. Depending on the severity of the event, first responders will be dispatched where they can do the greatest good for the greatest number of people. This may mean that response to lower priority or smaller communities may either be delayed or non-existent. In addition, the damage from an event can impede, hinder, or completely obstruct the ability of first responders to reach those needing assistance. Many communities have recognized that in an emergency or disaster, they may need to be self-reliant, and assist community members until government agencies and First Responders can assume control of emergency operations. EPSG's role is to provide such assistance to the SCA community. 

     The first step in emergency preparation is being informed. Click on the link below for an excellent resource from the City of Henderson. This guide can be downloaded and viewed, or printed: 

   Get READY! Stay Ready! Emergency Preparedness Guide

See below for more resources in Emergency Preparation.

You can click on each box for more information.


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